"You're not.
Not smart enough.
Not prepared enough.
Not worthy enough.
You can't start a blog yet because why would someone read it?
You can't learn this skill yet because what about the other skills you attempted and failed at?
You can't can't can't."
Until.... what?
Some magical outside force tells you you're enough? Your parents? Your spouse? Your friends?
You yourself?
Nothing's actually holding you back from doing what you want to do. Nothing physical at least.
What it comes down to is perceived value.
How much value do you have to offer? A little bit or a lot? How do you know? Who decides who's of value and who isn't?
Are some people just chosen? Have they known since birth or childhood how talented, special, amazing they are? Were they destined to be more valuable than everyone else?
Value starts with yourself. How you see yourself. Your talents, traits and uniqueness.
You don't have to think about it or make lists.
You have to open. To receive what wants to come through and then let it out into the world.
Then it doesn't matter anymore how scary it is. How other people might not like you.
If it's true, it'll come out anyway. Learning to feel what's true is actually an unlearning. Expect to read more about that soon.