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Mother Is Not An Offense

Mother is not an offense. Woman is not a costume. Womb is not derogatory.

I want to make my position on this topic very clear.

Women, you’re not ‘birthers’ or ‘chestfeeders’. Your bodies nurture life itself.

Without the sacredness of your uterus, your ovaries, your fallopian tubes, your pussy, no human being would exist.

We live in times where a subset of people try to erase this nature-given truth. Where “progressive language” and “inclusivity” try once again to diminish women’s bodies and their place in this world.

You have a vagina and a uterus, not internal reproductive organs.

You have a clitoris and a vulva, not erectile tissue and external genital area.

And if you want to undergo surgery to remove your uterus, do so. If removing your breasts for trans reasons is true for you, I support you. Do whatever you want.

I thought I wanted to do those things as a teen. I hated being a woman. The thought of my uterus made my skin crawl. My body looked and felt wrong to my mind.

I was completely disembodied. I had massive amounts of internalized misogyny to work through. I had zero reverence for the lineage of women who held my mother, and my grandmother, and my grand-grandmother in their wombs.

My past trauma and discomfort gave me no right to force my delusions onto the world.

They were mine to process, like an adult.

And I will never disrespect women’s bodies again, including my own.

Speak up. Don’t try to be a “good girl” and do as you’re told, which is shut up and let your womanhood be reduced to a costume.

Claim the words mother, woman, womb.

Shout them.

Feel them.


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