Your body longs for your attention.
Your tender, loving touch.
Your total approval for the way it looks
Touch your bleed with wonder and marvel.
Taste it.
Bathe in it.
Bring your uterus into alignment.
And hold the pain of current misalignment, if there is any.
Remain in awe of yourself.
“This blood nourishes new life.”
“This body creates new life.”
“This is my body and I claim every part of it.”
I grew up in a family where periods weren't a secret, but they were an inconvenience.
Something we as women have to suffer through every month.
Something you don't talk about with others.
How unfair it is that men don't experience menstrual cramps and don't respect women and so on.
This thinking is ingrained into culture.
And so, girls grow into women who are victimized by their own biology.
Who get bullied when their period blood leaks through their pants.
Who shame other women for being gross when they have sex on their bleed.
And it's women who have the power to change this.
To view their bodies without the lens of imperfection.
So why don't they?
Because the patriarchy lives through them, with the promise of acceptance and survival if they shun those women who embody every aspect of themselves.
Because they'd have to face their own self-abandonment.
Because there's an illusion of power when dimming other people's light.
And that's just not a fulfilling path.
It's based on scarcity and fear.
And you're capable of so much more.
The truth is our bodies need touch to survive. Literally. But we're so far removed from that fact that it's no wonder most people experience a bare minimum of pleasure, if any.
Your pussy is yearning to reconnect with you.
Your cervix desires your slow, tender, unconditional touch.
Your uterus wants your attention every day, not only during your period when you can't ignore her existence anymore.
The return to your pussy is the return to your source.