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Consumption vs Reception and Creation

For most of my life, I’ve been a consumer.

My mind demanded a steady stream of content to view, contemplate, get upset about or be entertained by.

I never did “nothing”.

I needed an external focus, some kind of input to save me from focusing on what really matters—which is the internal.

Consumption is a state of disembodiment, dissociation, numbing oneself to the sensations that want to be felt by the body. It floods the body with stress, and that cascade of hormones is addictive. It keeps us in a low frequency, closed off, curled up state.

Picture an energetic armadillo that rolls itself into a ball to become impenetrable.

Trauma and the unwillingness to feel unwanted emotions or sensations leads to chronic consumption. It’s a synthetic loop where the mind doesn’t allow anything else but to continue consumption.

It’s always hungry. Nothing nourishes or satiates it.

As you build your nervous system’s capacity to hold sensation and develop nuance, consumption naturally falls away.

It literally can’t exist at some point.

You’ll catch yourself falling into that state and go, “No. I’m choosing something expansive and open.” and that’ll be it.

Reception is expansive. Creation is expansive.

You’ll want to share yourself by creating, be it music or videos or books or art or dance or anything.

On this journey, I’ve often heard coaches say, “Take what lands and leave the rest.”

This is a mistranslation.

The energetic law that they want to transmit is: You’ll receive what your body is able to receive right now, which is the perfect amount at this moment, and as you expand internally, you’ll receive more when you revisit this lesson.

When I first committed to this path 8 years ago, I was barely receptive and couldn’t watch videos of my coaches teaching without scrolling or distracting myself some other way.

This is normal.

No body can go from zero to a hundred within a week, or month, or even year. This is long-term. It requires patience and commitment.

Slowly but surely, you internally open more.

You can hold more sensation and attentiveness.

You can receive more.

And you can choose to be open and receptive during times of high distraction and when your mind pulls for your attention.

Read that again.

You can


to be open and receptive.

When physical sensations happen, the mind immediately latches on. The higher the intensity, the more the mind wants to feed on and distract you from feeling.

When my body feels expansive and electric, my mind/ego likes to come in with some doomsday visual, and I can choose to say, “No. Sit down.” and remain in that physical state of expansion—a state which is so uncomfortable for the mind.

Training your mind to serve you takes time. Mine still gets me hooked! You want to build a relationship with your mind and its patterns. You want to distinguish between the sensations your body’s actually feeling and the mind-made sensations you get from thinking about sad/upsetting/stressful things.

Yes, this is tricky at first.

But as you incorporate that intention into a daily practice, your mind will cease to be so entertaining with its million pulls and distractions, while the body will hold most of your focus.

That’s when you internally make space.

That’s when energy can flow to nourish your cells.

That’s when your life becomes your creation just by your body existing and moving and receiving what it needs to thrive.


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