Don't let yourself be pushed into the frequency of reality that the mainstream wants you to operate in.
With all the propaganda working overtime to bombard us with ever-changing narratives and stories and proofs and good vs evil dichotomies, it’s vital to look beneath that layer to not get distracted by the mind traps because that’s what they are.
And when you begin to spiral into that mental loop of “What’s true? What’s not? Who’s good and bad? I’m confused!”
Then it’s time to center your attention back into your body.
That’s where they don’t want you to be.
They want all of us in our heads, afraid and clinging to any scrap of certainty, studies and numbers and experts.
That layer is just the surface.
The important stuff is deep below.
It’s in the whole big picture of energetics currently playing out in the world.
Energetics are story-less. The players change, but the game doesn’t.
Get into your body. Build your capacity for sensation. Face your shame and guilt and patterns. Find the spots of hatred and find the spots of love because the world needs both of them integrated.
The more we ignore our own capacity for evil, the more it is subconsciously created.