Tomorrow, my teacher @perri_chase holds her first masterclass introducing her body of work SXBMB on a new, revamped level.
SXBMB is a pssy stroking meditation and believe it or not, this specific practice is what women all over the world need right now.
Returning to her pssy as Source.
Serving her.
And that brings up a lot of resistance for women.
Pssy certainly wasn’t a positive topic in my family. I was taught that s*ex hurts, my body is for men to enjoy, so I better choose a good man who’s gentle and respectful.
I come from a lineage of severe physical and emotional abuse, done unto women by men.
Where pssy was used.
My great-grandma never told my grandma about menstruation, so when my grandma bled the first time, she thought she was dying.
I’ve always been hypersexual in the sense of having easy access to high erotic sensation.
I’ve gone through my teen years equally addicted and repulsed by that fact.
I wasn’t resisting feeling pleasure, but I judged what brought me pleasure.
Looking at that wasn’t something I enjoyed. I had resistance to looking at my shame and guilt. But I had to wade through that swamp because I realized it was bullshit.
I’m not alive to feel guilt for any of my body’s responses!
And for me personally, SXBMB practice is physically pleasurable 99% of the time.
Doesn’t mean I don’t have releases, or cry, or scream, or feel grief or anger. But those experiences aren’t “negative” or “unpleasant”. They just ARE.
And that’s a huge lesson in SXBMB: Being with what is.
And sometimes there will be resistance to touch your pssy.
Maybe it hurts.
Maybe it feels dirty.
Maybe you don’t want to deal with all the sexual energy you’re suppressing and ignoring.
Maybe you don’t want to feel anything and would rather stay numb.
It’s all part of the practice.
If that’s you, it’s enough to just pay attention to your pssy.
Can you feel her without focusing on her or do you need every ounce of attention to even notice her existence?
Can you be with the fact that this practice exists and other women have committed to serving their pssy?
People have massively unfollowed me since talking about pssy, actually!Can you accept loss? When what’s untrue falls away as you speak what wants to be spoken through you?
I’m not interested in NOT talking about pssy. Not gonna happen. Even before SXBMB, my turn-on has been a huge part of my practice.
And if you’re curious, check out @thepssymap and @perri_chase for more info.
We start tomorrow!
My referral code is CHRISTINAC. My bonus for you are 4 free 1:1 coaching calls.
And now go touch your pssy 🔥