This is something I’m slowly unwinding in myself. Feeling into the difference here is vital. The story layer is the superficial layer on top. It’s the distraction from what’s really going on underneath.
One of the toughest practices is to separate the content from the underlying truth and untruth. It’s tough because the ego and mind love feeding off that layer. It’s addictive. We love pointing at individual people and blaming them because that’s easier than to inquire deeper.
That’s not to say there shouldn’t be punishments for crimes or not holding people accountable for their actions. I’m not talking about the judicial system, but about the invisible energetics.
Inquire about what’s going on beneath the surface, the words, the stories, the players. When you’ve expanded your perception of bodily sensations, and are in an on-going practice of anchoring in your body, you feel the nuances.
And that’s when you can discern.